I've been asked a few times on why I am doing this and how I pick people. I believe that we grow as individuals when we learn from others while challenging ourselves to be better. Think about all of the people that have come into your life and the impression they left with you. There is always a teacher you remember most, a mentor, friend, or someone that guided you through tough times either directly or indirectly. I know I am blessed to have had (and still have) some amazing people in my life. Hopefully, you might learn a little bit more about yourself, or perhaps someones story could leave such an impression on you that you change something in your life.
I thought about this idea when I was on the road. I met so many amazing people that are living life the best they know how, just like you and me. But their story may never be told. Everyone should have a voice.
This note is a big thank you. Thank you for being so honest and open with your thoughts. Some people are afraid to broadcast their lives to the world, but why not? We are more alike then you think. I will post my profile on the 1st of January and each day through December 31st, 2009 will be a new individuals profile, in no particular order. I look forward to taking this journey with you.
With love, Alison