Thursday, January 15, 2009

Laura "Regrets Are A Waste Of Time"

Name: Laura
Age: 34
Sign: Western: Gemini / Chinese: Tiger
Occupation: part-time bookkeeper but soon to be full-time medical student
I grew up in: Lakeport, NY
I currently live in: South Pasadena, CA
You can find me: on facebook
Your website or Charity you are passionate about:

1.)What is your biggest regret?
My biggest regret is not working harder and believing in my potential when I was younger. I was filled with so much passion, positive energy and enthusiasm when I graduated from high school, but I was slowly changed by cynics and self doubt through my college years. The self-doubt and negativity stayed with me for many years and was very hard to shake. I typically believe regrets are a waste of time and unhealthy but if I had to do it all again, I would have worked harder at staying true to my inner voice instead of being easily influenced by the critical masses.

2.)What has been your greatest achievement?
I think my greatest achievement so far has been getting accepted to medical school at the age of 34. More than the academic achievement, I feel most proud of my ability to completely change my life and rediscover the passionate and enthusiastic girl I used to be. Two years ago my life looked completely different and the idea of becoming a doctor was overwhelming and seemingly impossible. But, I simply moved forward one step at time and committed myself to enjoying the process. I hope I can inspire others to make exciting changes by following their crazy ideas. The crazy ones are usually the best ones.
3.)What would you do for a living if money wasn't a factor?
I can't think of anything else I'd want to do. Truly, I have never considered money when thinking of a career. When I was younger, I wanted to be an actor so I went to a theatre conservatory school and spent many years as a "starving artist". I worked dozens of survival jobs just so I had the time and flexibility to audition and take an acting gig at a moments notice. I loved it when I did it, but once I stopped loving it I searched for something new. Although physicians are thought to make good money, it will take me many, many years to get there; especially since I will be over $200,000 in debt upon graduation.

4.)Who or what inspires you?
So many things inspire me. I love hearing people's stories of overcoming adversity. I think there is something so beautiful about the human ability of resilience. I am inspired by people who are honest about the mistakes they have made and who are strong enough to show their flaws and vulnerabilities. I think it takes this kind of self confidence to truly connect with other people. If we are all honest with each other, instead of wearing a façade of perfection, perhaps our own evolution wouldn't be such an arduous process.

5.)What do you want to see before you die?
The world! I want to travel anywhere and everywhere…so much to see and so little time!
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