Saturday, January 17, 2009

Maggie "Embracing the Day"

I grew up in:Most of my teen years in Veracruz Mexico
I currently live in:Reseda
You can find me:Tru my space
Charity I am passionate about:IMDB

1.)Who or what inspires you?
This question is one I'm traying to figure out. There are some big changes in my life, and this is something I meditate to everyday lately.

2.)What are you most proud of?
My Mother

3.)What has been your greatest loss in life?
My self respend for the right and wrong reason, LOVE...

4.)Who would you like to meet?
My soulmate

5.)What is the hardest part of your day? What is the best part of your day?
I don't analyze me day wichever way, I just embrace my day as it comes.
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