Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Anne "I Am Inspired By People"

Name: Anne

Sign: Cancer

I grew up in Santa Barbara, CA

I currently live in Santa Barbara, CA, but not until after a 28 year absence, during which I went into the Army, flew helicopters in Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Central America. Got out, moved to the Bay Area and spent 15 years there. Then, back to Santa Barbara.

Occupation: self-employed as an artist, Internet entrepreneur, writer (I write non-fiction eBooks)

You can find me: hanging with my girl, on my computer, at the beach.

You will never find me: I never say never and know myself well enough to know that that is true.

What Charity are you passionate about? Saying that I am passionate about a charity seems like the 'right' thing to do, but I honestly believe asking for charity is buying into being a victim. I give when I can, usually to random people down on their luck when I have extra cash.

1) Who or What inspires you? I am inspired by people, who in spite of great odds, are determined not to be victims and rise above their circumstances to do great things. I am inspired by my partner, Kellie, who is extremely patient, compassionate, and kind.

2.) What would you want to change about yourself?
I try to work constantly on myself. Right now I am working on learning how to forgive and how to be patient.

3.) What life experience has strengthened you the most? I believe my personal relationships have strengthened me the most. By strengthen I mean that I have become more than who I was before, and stronger in my knowing who I am, what I want, and where I want to go.

4.) Who has been the most influential person in your life?I can't say that there has been any one person in my life that has been the most influential. There have been many people in different roles, at different times who have influenced my life in meaningful ways. Sometimes the most influential have been the ones from whom I have learned how not to be, or what not to do. I think much of what I have worked to overcome in my life comes from a past that includes lack of trust and lack of respect. Because of that, people who were less than kind or compassionate to me may be the most influential because those experiences have caused me to look deeply, heal myself, and to learn to forgive.

5.) How do you want to be remembered?I hope by the time I am ready to go that I will have made a difference on some lives. I hope to be remembered at least as an example of healthy living and spiritual connectedness, and as someone who tried their entire life to expand and awaken.
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