Thursday, August 13, 2009

Michelle "My Children Inspire Me Each Day"

First Name: Michelle
I grew up in:Davis, CA
I currently live in:Davis, CA
Occupation:Principal of an Elementary School
You can find me:easily-I am six feet tall. Seriously, you will find me at work or with my kids.
You will never find me:in a bikini, eating raw fish, or playing the violin
Your website or Charity you are passionate about:Anything that works to beat cancer

1.) Who or what Inspires you? My children inspire me each day. My dad has inspired me tremendously lately as I watch his fight against cancer. I aspire to live my life like he does.

2.) What would you want to change about yourself? I have no patience and my hastiness causes me to miss some real quality moments.

3.) What life experience has strengthened you the most? This last year has made me tough as nails. My father is fighting cancer, my grandfather died, my cat of 14 years died, my dog of 10 years died, I started a new job, and I got a divorce. I have learned that it can always be worse not matter how bad it is!

4.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? My mother and father.

5.) How do you want to be remembered? I want poeple to think that their lives were slightly better because they shared it with me. Most importantly, I know that I will live on in my children and I hope that they can carry out good in the world and in the hearts of those they
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