Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Carrie "Delivering Babies And Telling Stories About My Standard Poodle"

Name: Carrie
Age: 51
Sign: Sagittarius with Scorpio rising
I grew up in Shaker Heights, Ohio
I currently live in Long Beach, California
Occupation: physician
You can find me on Labor and Delivery at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center delivering babies and telling stories about my standard poodle, Tallulah Poodlehead Goddess of Love.
You will never find me at Disneyland.
You will never ever find me in church.
I am on the board of the Long Beach Gay and Lesbian Center and am passionate about meeting the often overlooked needs of our community. Right now I am co-chairing a team of people who are organizing a low fee mental health program for the Center.

1) What (person, goal, dream) gets you out of bed each day? The poodle gets me out of bed each day. She has to maintain my attention on my most important priorities: feed the poodle, love the poodle, walk the poodle and play with the poodle.

2.)What life experience has strengthened you the most? Strengths can also be weaknesses. My medical training helped me become a decisive, powerful person but also shut down my access to my human vulnerability. I'm in therapy trying to maintain my humanity in the face of an incredibly demanding job and a tendency to take care of anyone and everyone instead of myself. I guess my unrelenting desire for insight has strengthened me more than anything else.

3.)What would you want to change about yourself? I would become computer literate. My mind is too concrete to enjoy the computer and enjoyment is what leads to the experimentation and errors that lead to learning.

4.)Describe the landscape of the place you grew up. How did that landscape affect you? I grew up in Northeast Ohio, an area of hardwood deciduous forest. I love the color green. I love the out of doors. My father is a serious birdwatcher who raised me to be observant and respectful of my natural environment. The land is flat in western Ohio because the Ice Age glaciers ground down the land; near my parent's home is the terminal moraine where the land was pushed forward by the advancing glacier's edge. The hills and valleys have beautiful contours, tall trees and wild turkeys strutting about. (I don't mean the teenagers.)

5.)What is your most prized possession? I don't set much store by concrete possessions. I value my education more than anything else. I have a very strong liberal arts background as well as a degree that allows me both to support myself and travel around the world.
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