Sunday, August 9, 2009

Doreen "Reading and Doing Needlepoint"

Name: Doreen
Age: 53
Sign: Aries
Occupation: Retired EMT
I grew up in: North Bergen, NJ, Rochester, NY
I currently live in: Brighton, NY
You can find me: On Facebook, Reading and doing Needlepoint
You will never find me: Hanging in a bar
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Crohn's Disease Foundation

1.) What are you passionate about?
Anything that has to do with my children

2.) What are you most proud of?
My children

3.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? Why?
My mother. She taught me all about love, respect and how to put a smile on my face and others!

4.) What is difficult for you?
Sometimes day to day life. I have had Crohn's Disease all my life. My husband Has CMT which is a severe neuropathy. In 5 short years he has gone from being a hard working man , to a wheelchair. There is always pain involved with both of us.

5.) Who would you like to meet?
President Obama...... I have alot of questions for him!
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