Saturday, August 8, 2009

Debbie "Passionate About Astrology"

Name: Debbie
Age: 57
Sign: Aries
Occupation: Real Estate Broker
I grew up in: Skokie, IL
I currently live in: Albuquerque, NM
You can find me: at the home/office, at the gym, at the airport, at the movies, at the Apple Store,
at various restaurants, at Sandia Casino, or just hanging out.
You will never find me: at church, at a football game, skiing.
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: and all animal charities.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about astrology, and dogs that are mistreated
or left behind. I am passionate about my own dog, Irie.

What are you most proud of?
I'm most proud of meeting most of my goals as I travel the journey
through life. I'm proud of my successes and my ability to help others reach their goals and contribute to their successes.

Who has been the most influential person in your life?
There have been many influences over the years, my father
was one - he believed in me. My mother too, she supported
my ideas and plans (even the crazy ones). I was influenced by
Katherine DeJersey the astrologer when I was younger.
I have been influenced by many people I've worked with over
the years too - some in positive ways some in not positive ways.

What is difficult for you?
Accepting things that are unacceptable. Cruelty to animals. Cruelty to
people. Katrina and it's never ending outcome. The "bailout" in this country
and all that is related to that.

Who would you like to meet?
Unfortunately, I'd like to meet some people who are dead.
Michael Jackson, Harvey Milk, Judy Garland, John Kennedy Jr.
For the living, I'd also like to meet Michelle Obama, Barbra Streisand,
Bill Clinton, Joy Behar, Barbara Walters, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Oprah
and Gayle.
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