Saturday, March 14, 2009

Loren "Working With The Land"

Name: Loren
Age: 46
Sign: No Parking….. Taurus
I grew up in: Linda/Olivehurst California
I currently live in: Wilder Idaho
Occupation: Farmer, Screen Printer
You can find me: Happy in Idaho on Lake Lowell!
You will never find me: Sad or wanting any one other than Me.
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Just Give to your local food banks and shelters. I like the Light House Mission in Nampa. Find a place that will feed a hungry person and help.

1.) Do you love what you do? 100% YES! Why? I get to do it in the Great state of Idaho, surrounded by my Family and although this is not Heaven, you can see it from here.

2.) What are you most proud of? My Marriage to Kathy 25 Years and counting.

3.) What brings you joy? Fishing, Working with the Land, The UPS Truck and all provided by God’s Will!

4.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? I had a teacher named Eric Hammer, just a band teacher. Taught me more about an ethic and manner to live my life and how to carry myself than anyone else.

5.) How would your friends describe you? Energetic, Juvenile, persistent & honest. (Hopefully)
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