Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sofia "I'm Inspired By Life"

Name: Sofia
Age: 40
Sign: Capricorn
Occupation: Yoga Instructor
I grew up in: New York City
I currently live in: New Jersey
You can find me: practicing yoga.
You will never find me: skydiving... that's for sure!
Your website, or charity, that you are passionate about: There are many charities that I'm passionate about, but two important ones for me are, Susan G. Komen for the Cure and Cure Autism Now.

1) Who or what inspires you:
I'm inspired by life, period. The following is a short list of people or things that can inspire me: friends, strangers, nature, my yoga teachers, people with disabilities, anyone battling a serious illness, random acts of kindness and compassion, lovers of life, words, music, dancers, philosophers, movies, art... well, you get the picture.

2) What would you want to change about yourself:
The one thing I would like to change about myself would be to stop being hard on myself. Sometimes I just need to "chill out." That's one of the many reasons I practice yoga.

3) How would your friends describe you?:
My friends would describe me as someone who is affectionate and enjoys to laugh!

4) What are you most proud of:
I am very proud of my children.

5) What do you want to do before you die:
I would love to travel the world.
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