Monday, March 2, 2009

Dan "Waiting For The Aliens To Leave"

Name: Dan
Age: 41
Sign: Pisces
I grew up in: Fremont, CA
I currently live in: Long Beach, CA
Occupation: Independent Sales Rep
You can find me: Jogging on the beach
You will never find me: At McDonalds

1.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? My first employer at a bike shop in my home town. He taught me about work ethics that has had a positive effect throughout adulthood.

2.)Is there something you would do differently if you could go back in time? To take high school more seriously and not go to Community college for 6 years.

3.)What do you want your future to be like? Happy living in a comfortable home in a small town with a beautiful wife and child.

4.)If you were a food what would it be? Mashed Potatoes

5.)What is your recurring dream? Hiding behind a garbage can waiting for the space ship with aliens to leave.
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