Sunday, March 15, 2009

Allan "A Fighter For Freedom"

I grew up in:Pittsburg, PA
I currently live in: Sedona, AZ
You can find me:On the Ski Slope
You will never find me: Swimming in Ice Water
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Libertarian Party

1.)What are you most proud of? My Wife,Diane. When she's not in the room listening...I am most proud of starting an insurance company protecting physicians from malpractice lawsuits;

2.)Who has been the most influential person in your life? Andrew Galambos. He was my post graduate teacher at free enterprise institute.

3.)What is your biggest concern in America today? Freedom

4.)How do you want to be remembered?A fighter for freedom

5.)Who or what inspires you?Ayn Rand. Her book inspires me, Atlas Shrugged
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