Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Deb "Curious About My World"

Name: Deb
Sign: Gemini
I grew up in: California
I currently live in: Portland, OR
Occupation: Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Life Coach
You can find me: Taking advantage of all that Portland offers. I'm active in different communities around town. I love the arts, creative self expression, and the many opportunities to explore nature.
You will never find me: Hunting game.
Your website you are passionate about:

1.)Who or what inspires you??

As a creative person, I am drawn to the essence of an individual or object of interest. There is an inherent beauty that lives within each of us. Some people live from this place; sharing themselves to the degree that speaks to many.
The fundamental nature of beauty is to give pleasure to the senses and exalt the mind and spirit. When this quality is gifted it inspires me to create and think outside my normal view of the world. The package will vary, but an open mind that desires to explore and interact with the true meaning will seek it out and discover it all around, and in many forms. Knowing this, everyone and everything has the ability to inspire others, and so it is that I am fortunate to have infinite moments to create.

2.)What are you most proud of?
From an early age I was curious about my world and my purpose. I read many books and took courses on various subjects. Because of this, I was able to evolve from my cultural and familial beliefs and morals to my own set of values and ethics.
Incorporating my heritage and family's expectations into the person I am today was simple though not always easy. I am most proud that I remain constant in my desire to grow; open to possibilities and appreciative of our uniqueness - and mostly that my family is here with me on this journey.

3.)What has been your greatest loss in life?
In thinking of this question, I felt grateful that I have never had a terrible loss except for that my father died six years ago. Even then, I only feel how fortunate I was to have such an amazing man as my father. So is this my greatest loss? Not for me.
Then what came up were thoughts that could possibly be regrets. And yet again I thought... they are not true regrets but memories that others created and imagined for me and my life based on what they wanted for me; so again, not a loss.
Now, when I think of my greatest loss, a feeling of sadness arises. For me this feels more true to the word "loss". I am saddened that so many choose to remain closed minded; to think that we are not all equal. To deny and limit groups of humans; thinking some second-class, ignorant, or unworthy of same rights.
My greatest loss stems from having experienced this first hand. The loss of an indefinable part of my innocence: knowing that prejudice and discrimination are still alive. Yes, this is my greatest loss.
People must live in fear for such ignorance to be acceptable. It is unfortunate that fear appears so prevalent in society, but a reality that will hopefully die with the awakening of a new generation.

4.)Who would you like to meet?
My varied interests have led me to work in industries that differ from my degrees. While working in Hollywood I had many opportunities to meet well known actors such as John Travolta, Matthew McConaughey and even Jodie Foster. For some this would have been "it", but I always thought of them simply as people who chose a career that placed them in the limelight. I have never revered actors, musicians nor people who are "famous," but I highly admire their talent and their dedication to their art.
My years in human development fostered relationships with Gary Renard, Marilyn Atkinson and Bill Harris, to name a few. I admire the work they do, and to a small degree, I would like to meet other like-minded individuals such as them.
A good friend recently shared their understanding of our relationship. They said: "We are dear friends and nurture one another because we have similar values. But we are best of friends and one another's cheering section because our differences keep us interested in each other." We agreed this to be true for us.
Knowing that shared values and curiosity capture my attention, I am most interested in meeting people who consider their place in the world, give thought to their day, drive alone in silence, and who wake up with a smile.

5.)What is the hardest part of your day? What is the best part of your day?
There was a time, when I was very young, I would say "I am bored." All too often this statement would leave my lips and define my day. My father, in his wisdom, furtively rectified my "issue" with menial tasks which left me longing for my days of boredom. Dad deserves kudos for igniting my curiosity.
What I'm getting at is I rarely differentiate between parts of my days. The day simply is what I make it. Now, I enjoy moments of solitude and inactivity as much as when hours fly by without notice. I love waking up refreshed and falling to sleep exhausted.
My feelings are, we have each been gifted with life and precepts that aide in defining who we are. It is my choice to fully experience and respond to each part of my day. I know that by doing so my life is more satisfying, and I am blessed with those I share my day with.
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