Tuesday, June 9, 2009

James "You Can Find Me On My Phone"

Name: James
I grew up in: Lake Orion, MI
I currently live in: Long Beach and W. Hollywood back and forth
Occupation: Producer/Actor
You can find me: On my phone! I always have it on me! or http://kingjimmyc.blogspot.com/
You will never find me: giving up!
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: www.myspace.com/ourlastexit

1.) Who or what Inspires you? What: Movies and Who: Paul Aaron

2.) What would you want to change about yourself? My immune system I would want to be invincible from disease and never get sick again..... and I talk to much!

3.) What is your most prized possession? There is nothing I own I can not live without.

4.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? My mother because she has encouraged me with inspirational quotes and motivational words that at the time sounds corny and lame because they come from mom but years later become quotes and words of gold and wisdom.

5.) How do you want to be remembered? "Legendary Producer James Robert Childers"
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