Thursday, April 9, 2009

Becca "Light Inspires Me"

Name: Becca
Age: 22
Sign: Capricorn
Occupation: Theater technician & divinity student
I grew up in: Santa Cruz, CA
I currently live in: Northampton, MA
You can find me: Backstage or in the booth. At least on headset.
You will never find me: Supporting discrimination
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Dr. without borders, the United Church of Christ, The Chartwell School

1.) Who or what inspires you?
Light inspires me. There is nothing more beautiful, simple, and complex all at the same time. The highlight off a snow drift. The ripples of shadow from light reflected off of one window and shining through another. The way you feel late at night when you're walking home and the streetlight right in front of you goes out. Birthday candles glowing under your sister's chin. The perfection reflection of a tree in a shallow puddle on the sidewalk.

Light is everywhere, in everything. Physically it affects what we see; without light we can't see. More than that, light profoundly affects how we feel about what we see. Think of a forest or a park. Now imagine you're in the middle of it, at night, alone. pretty scary, isn't it? Now imagine the same place only now it's early morning and you're walking somewhere. The light is cool and soft; maybe it's misty out. pretty different? It feels cold, alert, maybe you feel rushed. Now think of it at high noon. Now imagine it at sunset. They are all different and the major change has been in the light. Isn't that cool?

Taking a VERY CLOSE second is music, specifically vocal harmony. But that's another topic for another time.

2.) What is difficult for you?
Not being able to "fix it."

During the show a light or a mic or something breaks beyond repair and we are 5 minutes into act 2 with an hour to go. In my life I mess up a relationship and "I'm sorry" doesn't cut it. I see people I care about hurting beyond words and all I can do is tell them that it's ok to hurt. My friends are divorced by the state because of an unjust law. I rip the seat out of my favorite pants. The computer freezes and dumps my file.

When something is broken and I can't fix it, it makes me crazy.

3.) What is your biggest regret?
I honestly can't think of one. That's not to say "I have no regrets." It's just that, of the small handful, none of them seem all that big. For now, let's go with this: I transferred in the middle of high school (the best decision of my life) from a school that started its science curriculum with physics and ended with biology to a school that started with biology and ended with physics. SO: I regret not sticking to my guns and fighting the college counselor at my second high school to be allowed to take 9th grade biology as a senior. To this day I have not taken a biology class and I feel like I missed out.

4.) What are you most proud of?
I am immensely proud of the fact that I can read. I am severely dyslexic. I got to the 3d grade before anyone figured out that I couldn't read and it wasn't until 8th grade that I could read at my grade level. I still read very slowly and sometimes it even feels like work. But I cherish the fact that I can do it and I am proud of the hard work it took to learn.

I will forever be grateful to the dedicated and gifted teachers at The Chartwell School who taught me so much and to whom I owe all of my academic successes and to my mother who first differentiated between the ability to read and intelligence. When public school told her I was too "delayed" and that she shouldn't have high expectations, she told them they were wrong. Now I am a graduating senior at Smith College and heading for a Masters of Dignity program in the fall.

5.) What do you want to do before you die?
I want to serve God by working within the church to cause radical social change. God loves everyone; not just straight, white, middle class, men. God doesn't call us to punish those who are different or to harbor hatred towards anyone. We are called to "seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God." I think it's time for people of faith to fight for justice and kindness. If we were focusing our energy on gaining civil rights, ending poverty, and even bigger things, rather than trying to use the bible to justify hatred and discrimination, I think this country, and probably the global community, would be in better shape.

It would also be nice to learn to play the guitar or be a roadie with my favorite band for a tour. :)
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