Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jermiah "Wildland Firefighter"

Name: Jeremiah
Age: 31
Sign: Taurus
Occupation: Wildland Firefighter
I grew up in: Marquette MI
I currently live in: Salt Lake City UT
You can find me: at the ski hill, the rink, or home
You will never find me: in a dance club
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: www.tetongravity.com/forums

1.) Who has been the most influential person in your life?
My mother

2.) What would you want to change about yourself?
I'd like to have confidence and fewer insecurities.

3.) Is there something you would do differently if you could go back in time?
Instead of putting countless hours and immeasurable energy into becoming a competitive skier in Michigan, I would have applied my natural athletic ability (and my 6'3" body) to hockey, where with the same amount of dedication and work I could have paid for college, possibly made some money, had some respect in my hometown, and been able to have a wife and kids. If I were as good a hockey player as I was/am a skier I could have made a life out of that sport. There are no skiing wives, there are no coaches in freeskiing, there is no draft, no college teams, no fans, no games on tv...just a bunch of bums who get nothing out of it but a ruined body and a lonely life of financial struggle. Every half decent hockey player I know of has an education and a good job and a family by my age.

4.) How do you measure success?
By the ratio of time spent enjoying oneself vs. otherwise.

5.) What is your most prized possession?
My home.
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