Monday, April 6, 2009

Jen "Going to bed Alone"

Name: Jennie
Age: 25
Sign: Taurus
I grew up in: Waldport, OR
I currently live in: Portland, OR
You can find me: Usually at home or on the softball field
You will never find me: At a Men's Club
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Breast Cancer Awareness

1. Who inspires you?
My mom inspires me the most. She is always encouraging me and pushing me to excell. Whether I've done it or not that is another story. We have gone through tough times but she was always positive to me and my sisters. You don't need material things, name brand things to be happy. She always did the best she could for us. As long as you keep trying no matter how hard it is things will and do get better. My mom inspires me to be a better person and try my hardest because she's the best mom you can have and I have a lot to live up to.

2. Who are you proud of?

I am most proud of my sisters and my two step-brothers. They have all moved out of our home town, including myself, except my youngest step-brother (who lives with his girlfriend in a apartment in town). They have there own places or live with roommates. They are either in college and working or just working. They may not have the most glamorous job's or places to live but they did it. They are out on their own living in seperate cities away from each other. Happily living their lives. I love and miss them all.

3. What is your greatest loss?
My greatest loss in life is my mom's parents. My grandpa past away in 96'. He was a great, successful, loving, funny man. My grandma past away in 01' four day's after I graduated high school. Everyone kept telling me she was waiting for me to graduate cause I was they oldest blood grandchild. She missed my grandpa so much that she finally got to go see him. They lived just down the rode from us growing up and my family was the only one's that lived close enough to see them everyday. I still get the urge to call them after my sporting events.

4. Who would you like to meet?
Honestly there is not just one person who I would like to meet, famous or not. I would like to meet as many people as I can. If they happen to be famous that's just a perk. Anyone with a kind heart and good sense of humor is alright in my book. LoL

5. What is the hardest part and best part of your day?
The hardest part of my day is knowing that I am going to bed alone. Hopefully that will change in the future. The best part of my day is when I wake up because I'm alive to live another day. To see what new adventures or even the old have in store.
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