Friday, April 17, 2009

Tricia "A Planner That Likes To Live On The Edge"

First Name: Tricia
Age: 33
Sign: Pisces
I grew up in: The OC
I currently live in: San Diego-somewhere under the rainbow in Hillcrest
Occupation: Area Director of Sales and Operations for The Regus Group
You can find me: making lists (on the beach) and checking them twice, yes i am a planner that likes to live on the edge...oxymoron, i know! just want to pack as much into life as possible.
You will never find me: inside on a sunny day
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: HRC

1.) What (person, goal, dream) gets you out of bed each day? OBILIGAtion that grants me VACAtion! I do have an extremely hard work ethic and an extremely harder play ethic!

2.) What would you want to change about yourself? Nothing...I'm quite happy with myself.... but on second thought, I could be a bit fitter and slimmer, and ... now I think about it... more confident, taller, richer, kinder, wiser,... yet i wouldn't want a magic wand to take these things away that make me me today. That would also take away the life lessons we learn while trying to become better people in the process.

3.) What do you want to do before you die? visit the 7 continents and do something unique (large or small) to positively impact the land and people before i leave. guess i should start at home..

4.) What are you most proud of? "resilience"... my ability to bounce back

5.) What is your most prized possession? my faith and my super ball collection
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