Thursday, April 2, 2009

Erica "I Would like to Meet Jesus"

Name: Erica
Age: 33
Sign: Capricorn
I grew up in: California, mostly Southern
I currently live in: The Inland Empire
Occupation: Air Traffic Control Specialist
You can find me: Jumping from airplanes
You will never find me: In Prison
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Adopt-A-Family

1.)Who or what inspires you?
People living with no fear inspire me. People who quit their jobs to travel the country for instance :)

2.)What are you most proud of?
In myself, I am most proud of my accomplishments in my career. I have come a long way in a short amount of time because of my determination and I am doing what I love!!

3.)What has been your greatest loss in life?
My mother was in an accident when I was 12 rendering her quadriplegic. She lost all movement and voice leaving me with a shell of a mother. Never being able to go to her for advice, never having her support growing up was and is my greatest loss.

4.)Who would you like to meet?
I would like to meet Jesus. I am not and have never been a religious person because I find it very difficult to believe in something that I cannot see, something that I do not know to be fact. I find it hard to believe in a religion that can wholeheartedly support discrimination while preaching god loves everyone. I would love to sit down with him and find out the truth. I would like to ask him how he feels about Prop 8! :)

5.)What is the hardest part of your day? What is the best part of your day?
The hardest part of my day would have to be sitting in L.A. traffic. While it gives me time to think, talk on the phone or listen to music, I would much rather be spending that 12 hours with my daughter.
The best part of my day is in the evening when I am tucking my daughters into bed. You never truly can get enough "I love you's"!
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