Monday, May 11, 2009

Amy "Life Is An Adventure"

Name: Amy
Age: 33 going on 17 :) (i can be a goofy kid at times)
Sign: libra
I grew up in: oklahoma and then the bay area of california
I currently live in: the san francisco north/east bay
Occupation: juvenile corrections officer....and yes, it is HOT! :)
You can find me: in my free time, i am probably with my dog, watching a movie,sitting in a coffee shop people watching, drinking beer in a dive bar, or pondering life's unknowns.
You will never find me: i would never say "you would never find me" doing anything. life is an adventure and i try to take as many opportunities to learn new things as i can.
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: anything political, specifically gay politics. basic human rights worldwide.

1.) Do you love what you do? Why?
i love interacting with the kids that i work with. i love watching instinctual survival mechanisms kick in, hearing their stories, and just being the best mentor i can be. however, i hate the beurocracy that i have to deal with.

2.) What are you most proud of?
geez...being healthy and happy. a good person. kind and empathetic. compassionate. i like that no matter where i am in life, i can still laugh.

3.) What life experience has strengthened you the most?
my father dying when i was at a very vulnerable age (15). to work through that has been an amazing journey.

4.) Who has been the most influential person in your life?
my mom. hands down, without a doubt. she is the strongest, most female centered, feminist, spiritual, doesn't take any bull shit woman i know. so strong but vulnerable. i love her for teaching me to be that way and not apologize for it.

5.) What would you want to change about yourself?
to have patience. to stop and look at the world more closely. find some spiritual comfort.
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