Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jaimie "One Day I Will Have My Own Gym"

Name: Jaime
Age: 32
Sign: Virgo
I grew up in: Grand Haven, MI
I currently live in: Grand Rapids, MI
Occupation: Insurance Adjuster and Certified Personal Trainer
You can find me: In a gym
You will never find me: At an AA meeting

1.) Do you love what you do? I love being a personal trainer, helping others break barriers they never thought they could, all while getting in the best shape of thier lives!

2.) What are you most proud of? The work I do with my clients.

3.) What life experience has strengthened you the most? Going away to college.

4.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? There are several, but I would say I mostly look up to strong women, empowered women.

5.) What would you want to change about yourself? My day job, working for the man everyday. ONe day I will have my own gym.
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