Saturday, May 2, 2009

Eileen "Anything is Possible"

Name: Eileen
Age: 33
Sign: Aquarius
I grew up in: Germany
I currently live in: Maryland/USA and Hessen/Germany
You can find me:
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Breastcancer and Kids charity around the world....

1.)What is your dream job? Adventurer in Mind - I take what I get, build my knowledge and strength to enjoy life.

2.)What are you most proud of? Being who I am.

3.)What has been your greatest loss in life? Nothing - always look out for something new in life "anything is possible".

4.)Who would you like to meet? People like me - passionate toward life, loyal in person and creative in mind.

5.)What is the hardest part of your day? What is the best part of your day? ...I live the moment - Im responible toward myself and love ones, do whatever I like to do -Sport/Photography/Art etc, enjoy People/Travel/Fun-time and stay away what doesnt make me happy in this case every day is the best.
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