Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wendy "Capable Of Super Human Strength"

Name: Wendy
Age: 39
Sign: Aquarius
Occupation: High School Science Teacher
I grew up in: Foster City, CA
I currently live in: Durham ,CA
You can find me: chillin' in my hammack
You will never find me: hating
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Any breast cancer or diabetes charities, in memory of my mom

1.) What (person, goal, dream) gets you out of bed each day? The knowledge that every new day holds amazing, new experiences for me. Ya know? All the things that make me smile. Little things like a red wing blackbird on a fence, a great sunset followed by an amazing moonrise, or my daughters laughing, really good music that moves my soul and my body, meeting new people, learning about myself, hiking a beautiful canyon, swiming at Salmon Hole, really good food! The prospect of any of these things will get me out of bed. How will the world amaze me today?

2.) What life experience has strengthened you the most? Three actually. The births of my two daughters for sure. Having Cat & Cal tested my physically and emotionally. Mostly physically. Did I mention that my youngest was 11.1 pounds? I now know that I am capable of Super Human Strength. Lastly, my divorce. I learned that I can emotionally overcome anything. I learned that filling your heart with bitterness and anger does not feel good and should not be held on to for long. I learned that in the middle of all of that pain and chaos comes a great calm. I learned that I will always be ok, if not better than ok. It is good to walk around this planet knowing that I can survive all of the curve balls that life throws my way.

3.) What would you want to change about yourself? Wish I was a bit more disciplined with money.

4.) What do you want to do before you die? Become an organic gardener and go to culinary school. Random, I know, but it is a dream of mine to grow beautiful, healthy food and prepare amazing yet simple and delicious meals for me and my family.

5.) What is your most prized possession? hmmmm...Something that I would be really sad to have taken away? Ummm, I guess that would be pictures of my kids growing up. Pictures really help jog my memory. Pictures and a ring that my mom gave me for my 35th birthday. She intended to leave it to me in her will when she passed away but she gave it to me early so that she could watch me enjoy it. She died 4 years later and I wore it every time I saw her. That makes me happy.
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