I grew up in:Jupiter, FL
I currently live in:San Diego, CA, Mexico
You can find me:At the beach
You will never find me: Somewhere REALLY, REALLY COLD!
Your website or Charity you are passionate about:wildcoast.org
1.) Who or what Inspires you? People. I find inspiration in different people I know or meet everyday.
2.) What would you want to change about yourself? I would like to be a little taller, that would be nice!
3.) What is your most prized possession? I don't really have a prized possession. But I do have many possessions I like a lot like my surfboards, my property in Mexico, and some jewelry. But I try not to get too attached to material possessions, but that is hard to do!!
4.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? My parents. They are just awesome people. They are good, fun, hardworking, all the qualities I hope one day I will posses.
5.) How do you want to be remembered? A positor (a positive person!) fun, happy, honest cowgirl!