Age: 21 1/2
Sign: Pieces
I grew up in: Hong Kong until I was 11.
I currently live in: Newton, MA
Occupation: Office Administrator, Web Site Designer, Babysitter
You can find me: in front of a computer
You will never find me: not working
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: I don't have one right now
1.) What (person, goal, dream) gets you out of bed each day?
Living a good life. Working toward getting my own place to live. Making money. I would like to eventually traveling and helping people in some way.
2.) What life experience has strengthened you the most?
Seeing my mother struggle so hard to make my life better. We moved to the US 11 years ago and the town we live in has one of the best school systems in the state.
3.) What would you want to change about yourself?
My height, I"m 5'2", I would like to be able to reach things on the top shelf. I would also like to stop biting my nails.
4.) What do you want to do before you die?
I want to be my own boss. I have a side business doing web page design. I want to own my own home, get married, own a few tortoises in the backyard.
I would also like to swim with dolphins one day.
5.) What is your most prized possession?
My first car. I worked two jobs to pay it off.