Thursday, July 30, 2009

Andria "Finding My Own Voice"

Name: Andria
Age: 40
Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Geek J
I grew up in: on the Canadian border in Idaho, a small town called Bonners Ferry
I currently live in: Boise, Idaho (after spells in Oregon, Europe, and Seattle)
You can find me: playing outside, visiting friends, in a messy cubicle, or travelling (as time and money allow)
You will never find me: at the mall, or playing video games
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Heifer Foundation: Fantastic.

1.) What are you passionate about? Creating! Making something out of nothing. Be it product design… painting… clothing design… or re-purposing, creating makes me happy. I prefer to be a producer, not a consumer, whenever possible. I am also addicted to watching history programs and etymology.

2.) What are you most proud of? Finding my own voice (it is still a work in progress!) I believe that is necessary before you can fully participate and contribute to this crazy thing called life

3.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? My parents- they shaped my foundation (and are put on a higher pedestal the older I get). They provided a unique and wonderful childhood, as well as an example of integrity, a connection to the outdoors, and the basic value of hard work. My sister has been a huge influence, she is a force. Also, various friends, who by example or advice, inspired me to make positive changes {Jenn, Brad, Frank, Gary, Kelli, Lisa, Paul… there are so many great humans out there!} I am also grateful for those who’ve brought sadness, as their influence helped shape my life and give me strength.

4.) What is difficult for you? I find it difficult to not be critical, I have to catch myself and focus on the positive.

5.) Who would you like to meet? DaVinci, in his time, in his prime, to absorb his life and discover how he was so productive & motivated. I have always envied brilliance, and would love a chance to see how he lived, and how he thought, and what a normal day was like.
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