Sunday, July 19, 2009

Caroline "I Crave Knowledge"

1.)Who or what inspires you? What...the little things in life...the weather...the flowers...the average person just making the very best of what they have...the smallest acts of kindness...largest acts of love...the human spirit in each any everyone of's in there we just have to find it...

2.)What are you most proud of? my one daughter...the person she is becoming with my help..she is my greatest accomplishment...

3.)What has been your greatest loss in life? my outlook on life is never from the feeling of loss...just that life is a journey planned just for me and in every aspect of my journey...the good and the job is to pay attention and learn from life's loss and all it's blessings.

4.)Who would you like to meet? God

5.)What is the hardest part of your day? getting to sleep...I can't turn my mind "off" What is the best part of your day? waking up to a brand new day of adventures...there is always something to learn and I crave knowledge from all areas...
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