Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jade "I'd Like To Write A Book"

Occupation:Senior Office Manager
I grew up in:South Africa
I currently live in:Portland, Oregon
You can find me:At work usually now a days
You will never find me:At a steakhouse
Your website or Charity you are passionate about:
1.) Who or what inspires you?
Art, in any form; the multi-faceted ways people express themselves, whether it's putting a pen to paper, or music and lyrics, a dance, photography. Whatever it maybe I think the theme that runs through them all for me is that it comes from a deep part of someone else and it is displayed openly without preconception of what the outside world may think. That leads me to be more precise and say that I'm inspired by people taking a chance with their expression, putting their hopes and dreams on the line. I really appreciate the risk. If I were to say who; the greats... Maya Angelou, Rudyard Kipling, Prefontaine (he's an artist so to speak), Bob Fosse, Herman Hesse, Ansel Adams, Pink Floyd... it continues.

2.) What is difficult for you?
Enjoying the moment, I ruminate on the possibility too much and forget the present. I once had someone tell me that worrying is a different form of praying and it's true. You meditate on something long enough and it will manifest, whether it is a positive thing or a negative thing. I try my best to acknowledge my thoughts and then bid them farewell but it's not easy teaching your mind new tricks. It's a path I must walk over and over again until it becomes second nature. I have a long ways to go.

3.) What is your biggest regret?
Not continuing my education and practice with dance and theater, dance especially. I've danced since I was three and it was the one thing that made me feel powerful and at peace. Driving in my car to work I can choreograph a whole number in my head and I feel that pull to dance again, I just haven't had the balls to start back up. The closest I get to dancing again is going to the clubs or shutting my bedroom door at night.

4.) What are you most proud of?
I'm proud that I'm someone who can face their problems. I made a decision that I wasn't going to wake up at 40 and look around me and wonder how the hell I got to where I am. I've made a decision to figure out myself and although it may be hard and sometimes I feel like giving up, if I don't do it now I'll be living a life that isn't me and that's not how I want to spend my time on this earth.

5.) What do you want to do before you die?
I'd like to write a book. Not sure exactly what about yet, but I have had a few ideas. I don't care how many are sold but I'd really enjoy going through the process and honing my skills as a writer.
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