Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cheryl "I have my dream job"

Name: Cheryl
Age: 37
Sign: Gemini
I grew up in: London Ontario Canada
I currently live in: San Francisco
Occupation: photographer / founder and creative director for the online lesbian magazine,
You can find me: staring at you
You will never find me: eating liver
Your website or Charity you are passionate about:
1.)What is your dream job? I have my dream job. It's usually whatever I want to do when I wake up.

2.)What are you most proud of? Teaching my dog recall.

3.)What has been your greatest loss in life? A woman.

4.)Who would you like to meet? Mick Jagger

5.)What is the hardest part of your day? Going to bed at night. I hate going to bed.
What is the best part of your day? morning snuggles with my 11 pound dog who thinks that my pillow is his place for sleeping.
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