Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kim "Blossoming Beyond Belief"

Name: Kim
Age: 47
Sign: Cancer/Ox
Occupation: Computer Operator, Mother, Leader
I grew up in: Port Angeles, WA
I currently live in: Salem, OR
You can find me: On the computer or becoming one with a waterfall
You will never find me: Stagnant in my self growth
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Lavender Womyn (

1.) What are you passionate about? Life, Learning, Lavender Womyn and my soulmate, Kathy.

2.) What are you most proud of? Four things...First, surviving the death of my first husband at 20 years old (that'll do a number on you). Secondly, having the courage to finally "come out" and live my life the way I was meant to. Thirdly, creating the lesbian social group Lavender Womyn six years ago, and it's still growing all over the world. And last, but definitely not least, being a cancer survivor!

3.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? Several people. First, my mom. Through her own growth, I have been able to learn and grow as well. My best friend, Julie, who taught me to not be a wall flower and helped me to blossom beyond belief. And most importantly, my partner, Kathy, who has taught me great love, respect, and patience through the challenges of life and relationships.

4.) What is difficult for you? Accepting loss.

5.) Who would you like to meet? Ellen DeGeneres and Melissa Etheridge
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