Thursday, July 9, 2009

Michelle "I Don't Have Any Regrets"

Name: Michelle
Occupation:Development Associate for the Special Olympics
I grew up in: Huntington Beach, CA
I currently live in: Long Beach, CA
You can find me: walking my dog in Carroll Park, pub quiz night at Gallagher's or in front of my computer doing homework
You will never find me: at church
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Cancer Society, Team in Training and (animal match rescue team)

1.) Who or what inspires you?
I'm inspired by people that strive to be their best, by people that can and do change, by people that encourage or help others, and by people that don't give up.

2.) What is difficult for you?
Going back to school while working full time, training for a half marathon, trying to have a social life, and still making sure that I pay attention to and walk my dog (Suvi).

3.) What is your biggest regret?
I don't have any

4.) What are you most proud of?
Taking care of and being strong for my mother while she battled cancer.

5.) What do you want to do before you die?
Gondola ride through the canals of Venice, Italy. Order something off of a coffeeship menu in Amersterdam. Climb Mayan ruins. Stay in a beach hut over the water in Tahiti. Travel through India by train. Learn to speak Spanish and French. Live in another country.
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