Friday, July 24, 2009

Cassie "Always Trying To Do More, To Make A Change"

First Name: Cassie
Age: 28
Sign: LEO, through and through
I grew up in: all over the states, my parents liked to travel
I currently live in: Nashville, TN
Occupation: Im a Massage Therapist & First Responder
You can find me: Always trying to do more, to make a change
You will never find me: Never sayin never, because what i do know, is that you never know.
Your website or Charity you are passionate about: Tennessee PKU Foundation, Autism, & Gay Rights

1.) Who or what Inspires you? people in general, I love know where people come from and about their journey getting there.

2.) What would you want to change about yourself? My perception of myself

3.) What is your most prized possession? my pictures and my turtles

4.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? My grandmother & my mom Why? They both come from very hard lifes, but they both have this amazing strength and determination. Because of that they have done so much to better themselves and other people.

5.) How do you want to be remembered? I dont know yet. I always wanted to beremembred as this loyal person that would do anything for anyone. But these days, I want to be more...than just some loyal servant to the people. I want to do something great.
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