Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bev "You'll Find Me Surfing"

First Name: Bev

Age: 55

Sign: Gemini

I grew up in: Greenfield, Massachusetts

I currently live in: Carmel, CA

Occupation: Founder Las Olas Surf Safaris for Women

You can find me: You'll find me surfing in warm water or at my desk

You will never find me: under the bed

Your website or Charity you are passionate about:

1.) Who or what Inspires you? People who make change, especially those who do it with a smile on my face

2.) What would you want to change about yourself? I wake up crabby.

3.) What is your most prized possession? Um, the great food I'm about to eat.

4.) Who has been the most influential person in your life? Husband. He still likes me.

5.) How do you want to be remembered? I was kind to animals and did my best to empower women thru surfing.
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